Items tagged demo
Demo workflow: Random Images
Simple workflow that opens a given number of random images at a given interval.
Demo workflow: Search engine List Filter
Alfred workflow that allows you to choose from a list of search engines, then enter the query to search for.
Workflow: Search in App
Alfred workflow to pass a query to an application's own search by simulating ⌘F.
For applications that aren't scriptable via AppleScript or URL scheme, you can simulate keypresses to open an app's own search function and enter a query. This workflow is a relatively flexible implementation of that.
Demo workflow: Validate email address
Alfred workflow that demonstrates how to validate user input.
Demo workflow: Mods and filters
Do-nothing workflow that shows how to use modifiers and filters in an Alfred Workflow.
Demo workflow: Split query into two words
A stub Alfred workflow that splits user query into two words using AppleScript.