Source code for isheetyounot.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2016 Dean Jackson <>
# MIT Licence. See
# Created on 2016-05-21

"""I Sheet You Not. Search Excel data in Alfred 3.

Pass this script the path to an Excel file via the -p option or the
DOC_PATH environment variable.

By default, the script reads the rows of the first worksheet in the
workbook and generates Alfred JSON results.

It reads the first three columns, treating the first as the result title,
the second as its subtitle and the third as its value (arg).


from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import hashlib
import os
import time

from .aw3 import av, human_time, log, make_item

from xlrd import (
from xlrd.xldate import xldate_as_datetime

# Workflow version number
version = '0.3.2'

# Fallback/default values
BUNDLE_ID = 'net.deanishe.alfred-i-sheet-you-not'
CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Caches'), BUNDLE_ID)

# Link to GitHub issues. Output by rescue() on error.

# Excel's start date + 1 day (Jan 0 doesn't exist in Python)
# START_DATE = date(1900, 1, 1)

[docs]class ConfigError(Exception): """Raised if a configuration value is not given or invalid. Typically, this will be a bad sheet number or name. If the program can't read the Excel data for other reasons, there'll be an exception from the underlying `xlrd` library. """ pass
# dP dP # 88 88 # 88d888b. .d8888b. 88 88d888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. # 88' `88 88ooood8 88 88' `88 88ooood8 88' `88 Y8ooooo. # 88 88 88. ... 88 88. .88 88. ... 88 88 # dP dP `88888P' dP 88Y888P' `88888P' dP `88888P' # 88 # dP
[docs]def tilde(path): """Replace user's home directory in `path` with ~. Args: path (unicode): A filepath. Returns: unicode: Shortened filepath. """ return path.replace(os.getenv('HOME'), '~')
# dP oo # 88 # .d8888b. .d8888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. dP 88d888b. .d8888b. # 88' `"" 88' `88 88' `"" 88' `88 88 88' `88 88' `88 # 88. ... 88. .88 88. ... 88 88 88 88 88 88. .88 # `88888P' `88888P8 `88888P' dP dP dP dP dP `8888P88 # .88 # d8888P
[docs]def cache_key(o): """Generate unique, deterministic key based on program options. Args: o (argparse.Namespace): Program's configuration object. Returns: str: MD5 hex digest of options. """ # Cache key of full path and *all* variables to ensure uniqueness p = os.path.abspath(o.docpath) v = u'-'.join([ u'{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(o.variables.items() + o.formats.items()) ]) tpl = (u'{p}-{o.sheet}-{o.start_row}-{o.title_col}-' u'{o.subtitle_col}-{o.value_col}-{o.match}-{v}') n = tpl.format(p=p, o=o, v=v) return hashlib.md5(n.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def _cache_path(key): """Path for cached JSON based on key and workflow's cache directory. Args: key (str): Unique key from `cache_key()`. Returns: unicode: Filepath in cache directory with ".json" extension. """ root = av.get('workflow_cache', CACHE_DIR) # log('cache_dir=%r', root) par = [key[:3], key[3:6], key[6:9]] dp = os.path.join(root, *par) # log('cache_dir=%r', tilde(dp)) try: os.makedirs(dp, 0700) except OSError: pass p = os.path.join(dp, key + '.json') log('cache_path=%r', tilde(p)) return p
[docs]def cached_data(key, max_age=0): """Returned data cached for `key` or `None`. Returns `None` if no data are cached for `key` or the age of the cached data exceeds `max_age` (if `max_age` is non-zero). Args: key (str): Cache key from `cache_key()`. max_age (int, optional): Maximum permissible age of cached data in seconds. Returns: str: The contents of the cache file, or `None`. """ p = _cache_path(key) if not os.path.exists(p): return None if max_age: age = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(p) log('cache_age=%s', human_time(age)) if age > max_age: return None with open(p) as fp: return
[docs]def cache_data(key, data): """Store `data` in cache under name `key`. Args: key (str): Cache key from `cache_key()`. data (str): Data to write to file. """ p = _cache_path(key) with open(p, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(data)
# dP # 88 # .d8888b. dP. .dP .d8888b. .d8888b. 88 # 88ooood8 `8bd8' 88' `"" 88ooood8 88 # 88. ... .d88b. 88. ... 88. ... 88 # `88888P' dP' `dP `88888P' `88888P' dP
[docs]def cell_type(cell): """Return type of cell. Args: cell (xlrd.sheet.Cell): Excel cell Returns: str: Type of cell as text """ if cell.ctype == TYPE_BLANK: return 'blank' if cell.ctype == TYPE_BOOLEAN: return 'boolean' if cell.ctype == TYPE_DATE: return 'date' if cell.ctype == TYPE_EMPTY: return 'empty' if cell.ctype == TYPE_ERROR: return 'error' if cell.ctype == TYPE_NUMBER: return 'number' if cell.ctype == TYPE_TEXT: return 'text'
[docs]class Formatter(object): """Format Excel values according to column-specific format strings. Format strings should be sprintf- or strftime-style (for date columns) patterns. Attributes: datemode (int): Date mode of sheet this formatter is for formats (dict): Column -> format string mapping """ def __init__(self, datemode, formats=None): self.datemode = datemode self.formats = {} formats = formats or {} for col, pat in formats.items(): self.set(col, pat)
[docs] def get(self, col): """Get format pattern (or None) for a specific column. Args: col (int): Column index (1-indexed) Returns: str: Format pattern or None """ return self.formats.get(col)
[docs] def set(self, col, pat): """Set format pattern for column. Args: col (int): Column index (1-indexed) pat (str): Format pattern """ if not pat: return self.formats[col] = pat
[docs] def format(self, col, cell): """Format a value with the pattern set for column. If no format pattern is set for column, value is returned unchanged. Args: col (int): Column number cell (xlrd.sheet.Cell): Excel cell Returns: str: Formatted value """ pat = self.get(col) log('col=%r, pat=%r, cell=%r', col, pat, cell) if not pat or cell.ctype in (TYPE_BOOLEAN, TYPE_ERROR, TYPE_EMPTY): return self._format_default(cell) if cell.ctype == TYPE_DATE: dt = xldate_as_datetime(cell.value, self.datemode) formatted = dt.strftime(pat) else: try: formatted = pat % cell.value except Exception: # Try new-style formatting try: formatted = pat.format(cell.value) except Exception: formatted = cell.value # log('pat=%r, %r --> %r', pat, cell.value, formatted) return formatted
def _format_default(self, cell): """Return cell value with default formatting. Args: cell (xlrd.sheet.Cell): Excel cell Returns: str: Formatted cell value """ if cell.ctype == TYPE_BOOLEAN: if cell.value: return 'yes' else: return 'no' if cell.ctype == TYPE_ERROR: return '<error>' if cell.ctype == TYPE_EMPTY: return '' if cell.ctype == TYPE_DATE: dt = xldate_as_datetime(cell.value, self.datemode) return dt.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) return cell.value
[docs]def read_data(path, sheet, cols, start_row=1, variables=None, formats=None, match=None): """Read the specified cells from an Excel file. Args: path (unicode): Path of XLSX file to read data from. sheet (unicode): Number or name of sheet to read data from. cols (list): The three columns to read title, subtitle and value from respectively. start_row (int, optional): The row on which to start reading data. variables (dict, optional): name->col mapping of columns to read into result variables with the corresponding names. formats (dict, optional): index->format mapping of sprintf-style format strings for columns. match (str, optional): ``sprintf``-style format string for match field. Returns: list: Sequence of Alfred 3 result dictionaries. Raises: ConfigError: Raised if an argument is invalid, e.g. non-existent sheet name. """ from xlrd import open_workbook variables = variables or {} wb = open_workbook(path) if sheet.isdigit(): s = wb.sheets()[int(sheet) - 1] else: # Name for s in wb.sheets(): if == sheet: break else: raise ConfigError("couldn't find sheet: %r" % sheet) log('opened worksheet "%s" of %s',, tilde(path)) start_row -= 1 fmt = Formatter(wb.datemode, formats) # cols = [i - 1 for i in cols] items = [] invalid = 0 i = start_row while i < s.nrows: evars = {} match_data = None sub = arg = '' cell = s.cell(i, cols[0] - 1) tit = fmt.format(cols[0], cell) log('[title] i=%d, cell=%r, value=%r', i, cell, tit) if cols[1] > -1: cell = s.cell(i, cols[1] - 1) sub = fmt.format(cols[1], cell) log('[subtitle] i=%d, cell=%r, value=%r', i, cell, sub) if cols[2] > -1: cell = s.cell(i, cols[2] - 1) arg = fmt.format(cols[2], cell) log('[value] i=%d, cell=%r, value=%r', i, cell, arg) for k, j in variables.items(): value = None cell = s.cell(i, j - 1) value = fmt.format(j, cell) evars[k] = value log('[var:%s] i=%d, cell=%r, type=%s, value=%r', k, i, cell, cell_type(cell), value) if match: try: match_data = match % evars log('[match] match=%s, evars=%r, match_data=%s', match, evars, match_data) except Exception as err: log('[match] error formatting "%s" with %r: %s', match, evars, err) i += 1 log('formats=%r, cols=%r, title=%r, sub=%r, arg=%r, match=%r', formats, cols, tit, sub, arg, match_data) if not tit: # Invalid invalid += 1 continue items.append(make_item(tit, sub, arg, match=match_data, **evars)) log('read %d rows from worksheet "%s"', len(items), return items